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    Benefits of Puffed Corn Meal

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    Benefits of Puffed Corn Meal

    Date:2020-05-12 00:00 Source:http://www.cdzgdq.com Click:

          Twin-screw puffed cornmeal is: a kind of raw corn crushed, with a certain proportion of water, and then through the puffing process to get a higher utilization rate of the feed source material.

          Under the condition of high temperature and high pressure, the water contained in the corn kernel continuously absorbs energy and vaporizes, and forcibly penetrates and cuts into the corn molecules, and before reaching the homogenization section, the corn meal gradually turns into the viscous flow state from the solid state. Viscous fluid state of corn protein molecules in the homogenization section to continue its protein denaturation process, and constantly be continuously extruded, when encountered sudden cooling, squeezed into the protein molecules inside the water molecules rapid expansion, vaporization, and "fried" to open the material surrounding it, to complete the final denaturation process, and at the same time to make the product form a myriad of micropore loosening of the material - puffed cornstalks, puffed cornstalks and then natural cooling and crushing that is to become the Puffed cornstarch. Expanded corn meal is a light yellow, crystalline flash of porous powder, with a roasted flavor.

          The effect of puffed cornmeal in feed processing is bonding. For example, fish feed or other feed used in aquaculture are usually added puffed corn meal, because puffed corn meal has a better adhesive strength and more resistant to soaking in the water, good quality puffed corn meal in aquaculture at a higher price.

    Related Tags:FeedExtruder

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